Providing quality health care to communities

Services offered

  • Anti-natal care
  • Family planning
  • Outpatient services
  • Deliveries
  • Post natal care
  • HIV care clients (ART)
  • Immunization
  • VMMC
  • Circumcision 

Patients are treated every year

We conduct outreaches to engage the community in health promotion activities, health education and community health which has greatly contributed to an increase in the utilization of services in the clinics. We further conducted immunization outreaches to address matters related to missed opportunities.

What We do

impact of our health support to the community

In the early stages, AAH grappled with how to help children get an education when so many were sick and underfed.  Malaria and other serious but treatable illnesses caused long absences from school, from which some children never returned.

To address this need, AAH built and opened a clinic in 2006. Located at the Arlington Junior School premises in Bumwalukani, Bududa, It was called  Beatrice Tierney Health Clinic and was opened to the entire community.

Our second clinic opened in 2008 in an even more remote area in Namisindwa district.  Each year, this health center handles more than 30,000 patient visits, over half of whom are children aged five and under.

The clinics provide services in line with the minimum health care package for the ministry of Health in Uganda. These include but not limited to immunization, antenatal care, postnatal care, laboratory services, HIV testing, counselling and treatment. The clinic staff also do community outreach, gender based and offer sexual violance services.

This is made possble with our US friends along with our local implementing partners and the Uganda Government.

Medical lab services

antenatal and post natal services

family planning services



The PEPFAR fundedIntegrated education for HIV prevention in Bududa communities project is a one-year project implemented by Arlington Academy of hope (AAH) and is directly targeting 450 Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in the fight against HIV and 10,000 indirect beneficiaries through HIV prevention messaging.

The project has contributed to the coordination, policy messages and amplified community voice in the fight against HIV. Daily HIV messaging and training brings local communities together to prepare for each day and share the key HIV prevention strategy. With AAH co-coordinating the implementation of the project, stakeholders are able to play a key role in bringing together the HIV prevention messaging alive in their communities through training and participating in the development of the HIV prevention curriculum.

These key messages are shared, evidenced, and amplified by our trained volunteers at local schools and events across the district. Community voice is brought in through trained AGYW peer educators, where AAH connects live to communities on the front line of risk to bring local voice and urgency on HIV prevention.

All this was made possible through the funding from the PEPFAR Uganda Community Grants to Combat HIV/AIDS.

our target

Yes We can fight HIV together